The best way to have an empowering birth, is to have the knowledge of what to expect, for all scenarios, along with preparing your body for the work that it will be doing.

Birth & Postpartum Prep
Feel ready and excited for your birth and postpartum journey.
Private 4-5 hour learning session on how to prepare for birth and postpartum and what to expect.
Printed 100+ page birth prep guidebook for you to keep.
Various other handouts on postpartum, early labour prep, breastfeeding, etc.

Birth Refresher
Refresher class for parents who have gone through labour before.
Private 2-3 hour refresher on how to prepare for going through labour, birth, and postpartum again.
Learn about effective labour positions.
Printed 50+ page guidebook for you to keep.
*Anything within 1/2hr outside of Kerikeri will be subject to travel expenses.